Don Richard

Don was born in Columbia Missouri, so a visit to his Christmas Past is only a short jaunt from the Lyceum door. Hugely honored to be part of this Lyceum tradition, Don has been lucky to play Thernardier in LES MIS, Fagin in OLIVER, Clem in WILL ROGERS FOLLIES, and Everett in CRAZY FOR YOU for the summer audiences here. BROADWAY: original casts of JANE EYRE, URINETOWN, and the revival of SIDE SHOW. National tours of WICKED and SUNSET BOULEVARD. Already planning his landscape beds for next year, Don is an avid gardener in the soil surrounding his downtown Chicago home. But ‘Spring’ is a long way off! So just for now, cozy up in your Lyceum seat, listen to our heart-filled ghost story, and glory in this life journey we all share.